Marian Pilgrimage to the Regina Pacis Basilica in Brooklyn - USA

Religious Family Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Caysasay - Philippines

18 kilometer pilgrimage to the Shrine of Maipo Island - Chile

Pizzas with Voces Verbi - Peru

First Communion - Paul VI School - Suzano, São Paulo, Brazil

First Vows at the Contemplative Monastery - USA

First Vows at the Contemplative Monastery - USA

Parish Cultural Tour in Avignon and Montmajour Abbey - France

First Communion Retreat - Paul VI School - Suzano, São Paulo, Brazil

First Communion Retreat - Paul VI School - Suzano, São Paulo, Brazil

First Communion Retreat - Paul VI School - Suzano, São Paulo, Brazil

First Communion Retreat for 3rd grade students - Argentina

Third Order Meeting in Los Juries - Argentina

Holy Mission in Belem do Para - Brazil

Holy Mission in Belem do Para - Brazil

Holy Mission in Belem do Para - Brazil

Holy Mission in Belem do Para - Brazil

Holy Mission in Belem do Para - Brazil

Holy Mission in Belem do Para - Brazil

Cooking Workshop at the Oratory on Saturday - Chile

High School Trip to Greece

High School Trip to Greece

Bishop Teodoro's visit to Klokočov, Slovakia

Blessing of the new Marian statue (Pietà) in the Chapel of Notre Dame du Glaive de Cabasse - France

Religious Education for Children at St. Joseph's Church - Iceland

Spiritual Exercises in Aleppo - Syria

Novitiate study week of the IVE Directories - Chile

Ordination of five new deacons - Italy

Floral Games at the St. Anibal of France House of Mercy - Peru

The Greek-Catholic Diocese of Mukachevo pilgrimage to the Zarvanytsya Marian Spiritual Center

The Greek-Catholic Diocese of Mukachevo pilgrimage to the Zarvanytsya Marian Spiritual Center

The Greek-Catholic Diocese of Mukachevo pilgrimage to the Zarvanytsya Marian Spiritual Center

Annual pilgrimage of the Houses of Mercy in San Rafael to Our Lady of the Valle Grande

Solemn Liturgy celebrated by Bishop Theodore

Solemn Liturgy celebrated by Bishop Theodore

Ordination of five new deacons - Italy

Ordination of five new deacons - Italy