Jordan - Holy Mass at the Baptismal Site of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Macau - Praying for the Faithful Departed with teachers

Greece - Practicing for the Live Nativity Scene

Ecuador - Spiritual Exercises

Taiwan - Sister Fidelis receives the Humanitarian Service Award for her apostolate at the St. Gianna Pro-Life Center

Taiwan - Sister Fidelis receives the Humanitarian Service Award for her apostolate at the St. Gianna Pro-Life Center

Philippines - Teaching Catechism at the public high school in Caloocan

Philippines - Pilgrimage to our Formation Houses with girls from the Makabata school

Philippines - Pizza night with the teachers at Pasig's Makabata School

Albania - Celebrating All Saints' Day at the Children's Home in Zheja

Argentina - Missionaries in Gaza, Sr. Socorro and Sr. Pilar visit the SSVM community in General Alvear

Argentina - Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Joseph in the Pampas

Macau - Pizza night with the students from the University of San Jose

Argentina- Voces Verbi in Santa Fe celebrate the birthday of M. Fonte della Vita

Hong Kong - Lecture on Saint Jude to Catholic school teachers

Chile - First Rosary of the Dawn Procession during the month of Mary from the Jesus el Buen Pastor Parish to the San Sebastian Chapel

Argentina - Camp at the Isabel la Catolica School in Villa Mercedes, San Luis

Argentina - Outing with the girls from the Divina Providencia House of Mercy

Guyana - All Saints' Day

Argentina - Outing to a maze with the girls from the Divina Providencia House of Mercy

USA - First Profession of Temporal Vows

USA - All Saints' Day

USA - All Saints' Day

USA - All Saints' Day

Mexico - All Saints' Day

USA - Philadelphia Voces Verbi Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Miraculous Medal

USA - Oratory and talk on the immortality of the soul at Assumption Parish

USA - Conference on Saint Josaphat for women of Assumption Parish

Ukraine - Voces Verbi Meeting

Ukraine - Pizza night with young people

USA - Bowling with the youth from Assumption Parish

Tanzania - First Communion exams in Nyasa

Tanzania - Graduation Mass at Stella Matutina School

Tanzania - Stella Matutina Primary School Graduation Ceremony and Celebrations

Peru - Retreat for children from San Jose Elementary in Iquitos

Peru - First Confession day for all the children preparing for their First Communion at the Yanque mission in Colca Valley

Talk for school children about "Death and the Meaning of Life"

Argentina - Visiting Governor Dr. Gerardo Zamora during the #KnowingMyProvince Program in Santiago del Estero

Ukraine - Twelfth Gathering of Voces Verbi

San Rafael, Argentina- Anniversary of the death of Alfredo Bufano

Holy Land - Harvest in the Monastery

San Rafael, Argentina - Saint Martin of Tours Feast Day

Loja, Ecuador - Newly ordained priests Jose Moreira and Jonathan Armijos

Loja, Ecuador - Newly ordained priests Jose Moreira and Jonathan Armijos

Gaza - Holy Family Parish Oratory

Jordan - Holy Mass at the Baptismal Site of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Holy Mass at the Place of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ - Jordan