Photos And Videos Of The Week: March 24, 2025


Table of Contents

Educational outing with the Catholic Formation Institute Alfredo Bufano

Educational outing with the Catholic Formation Institute Alfredo Bufano

Educational outing with the Catholic Formation Institute Alfredo Bufano

Educational outing with the Catholic Formation Institute Alfredo Bufano

31st anniversary of the foundation of the House of Mercy San Martin de Tours

31st anniversary of the foundation of the House of Mercy San Martin de Tours

31st anniversary of the foundation of the House of Mercy San Martin de Tours

31st anniversary of the foundation of the House of Mercy San Martin de Tours

31st anniversary of the foundation of the House of Mercy San Martin de Tours

31st anniversary of the foundation of the House of Mercy San Martin de Tours

31st anniversary of the foundation of the House of Mercy San Martin de Tours

31st anniversary of the foundation of the House of Mercy San Martin de Tours

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

7th grade camp with Alfredo Bufano Catholic Formation Institute

Brazil - Meeting of the Voices of the Word

Brazil - Meeting of the Voices of the Word

Novena to the Incarnate Word at Incarnate Word Parish

Novena to the Incarnate Word at Incarnate Word Parish

Novena to the Incarnate Word at Incarnate Word Parish

Novena to the Incarnate Word at Incarnate Word Parish

Novena to the Incarnate Word at Incarnate Word Parish

Novena to the Incarnate Word at Incarnate Word Parish

Novena to the Incarnate Word at Incarnate Word Parish

Novena to the Incarnate Word at Incarnate Word Parish

Chile - Birthday in the Sacred Heart of Jesus House of Mercy

Chile - Birthday in the Sacred Heart of Jesus House of Mercy

Chile - Birthday in the Sacred Heart of Jesus House of Mercy

Chile - Birthday in the Sacred Heart of Jesus House of Mercy

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

France - priestly visit in Ars

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Gaza - Eucharistic Adoration

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Iceland - Feast of St. Joseph

Italy - Thomistic Conferences at the San Vitaliano Seminary

Italy - Thomistic Conferences at the San Vitaliano Seminary

Italy - Thomistic Conferences at the San Vitaliano Seminary

Italy - Thomistic Conferences at the San Vitaliano Seminary

Italy - Thomistic Conferences at the San Vitaliano Seminary

Italy - Thomistic Conferences at the San Vitaliano Seminary

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Middle East - Stations of the Cross at the Monastery of the Holy Family

Peru - Spiritual exercises for men and women in Lima

Peru - Spiritual exercises for men and women in Lima

Peru - Spiritual exercises for men in Arequipa

Peru - Spiritual exercises for men in Arequipa

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to the monastery of San Jose in the Danilovo village

USA - walk and soccer with the Voices of the Word

USA - walk and soccer with the Voices of the Word

USA - walk and soccer with the Voices of the Word

USA - walk and soccer with the Voices of the Word

USA - walk and soccer with the Voices of the Word

USA - walk and soccer with the Voices of the Word

USA - walk and soccer with the Voices of the Word

USA - walk and soccer with the Voices of the Word



















Syria - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Syria - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Syria - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Syria - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

BELEN - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

Brazil - School mission at the Diocesan Paul VI School

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

Switzerland - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Switzerland - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Switzerland - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Switzerland - Solemnity of St. Joseph

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

USA - Visit of the Benedictine school to our work of mercy in Suriname

Switzerland - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Switzerland - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Belen - Solemnity of San Jose.

Belen - Solemnity of San Jose.

Alaska - Solemnity of San Jose.

Alaska - Solemnity of San Jose.

Alaska - Solemnity of San Jose.

Alaska - Solemnity of San Jose.

Alaska - Solemnity of San Jose.

Alaska - Solemnity of San Jose.

Galilea - Mother's Day with special children.

Galilea - Mother's Day with special children.

Galilea - Mother's Day with special children.

Galilea - Mother's Day with special children.

Bolivia - In the solemnity of San Jose we could celebrate the 328 years of foundation of "San Jose de Chiquitos

Bolivia - In the solemnity of San Jose we could celebrate the 328 years of foundation of

Bolivia - In the solemnity of San Jose we could celebrate the 328 years of foundation of "San Jose de Chiquitos

Bolivia - In the solemnity of San Jose we could celebrate the 328 years of foundation of

PERU - Solemnity OF St. Joseph

PERU - Solemnity OF St. Joseph

PERU - Solemnity OF St. Joseph

PERU - Solemnity OF St. Joseph

PERU - Solemnity OF St. Joseph

PERU - Solemnity OF St. Joseph

PERU - Solemnity OF St. Joseph

PERU - Solemnity OF St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

Ecuador - Solemnity of St. Joseph

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