Spain - Blessing of the Chapel of the Holy Family in El Pueyo

Spain - Blessing of the Chapel of the Holy Family in El Pueyo

Argentina - Conference at the contemplative Novitiate Santa María Magdalena

Italy - Gregorian chant course in the contemplative community of Genoa

Spain - Volunteers at the Monastery of Alhama de Granada

Spain - Volunteers at the Monastery of Alhama de Granada

Netherlands - Visit of Cardinal Eijk to the Monastery in Valkenburg

Netherlands - Visit of Cardinal Eijk to the Monastery in Valkenburg

Houses of Charity
Holy Land - 18 years of the Hogar Niño Dios de Bethlehem

Holy Land - 18 years of the Hogar Niño Dios de Bethlehem

Jordan - Summer Oratory in Anjara

Argentina - Volunteering of the novices in the Hogar San Martín de Tours

Argentina - Volunteering of the novices in the Hogar San Martín de Tours

Egypt - Play 'Saint Helena and the Holy Cross'

Ecuador - Spanish volunteers at the San Camilo de Lellis Home

Albania - Visit to the church of San Antonio in Laç, with the Hogar S. Luis Orione

Ukraine - Exit to Mount Khomyak with the Home for Mothers and Children

Ukraine - Exit to Mount Khomyak with the Home for Mothers and Children

Peru - Dental campaign with Hogar Cottolengo

Peru - Dental campaign with Hogar Cottolengo

Argentina - Birthday of 2 mothers of our religious, in the house Karol and Emilia Wojtyla

Argentina - Birthday of 2 mothers of our religious, in the house Karol and Emilia Wojtyla

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

United States - IVE Meeting Provincial

Spain - Spiritual Exercises in Granada

Brazil - First coexistence of the Voices of the Word

Brazil - First coexistence of the Voices of the Word

Brazil - First coexistence of the Voices of the Word

Brazil - First coexistence of the Voices of the Word

Brazil - Formation meeting for deacons of the Diocese

Brazil - Formation meeting for deacons of the Diocese

Brazil - Formation meeting for deacons of the Diocese

Brazil - Peace Prayer Group

Argentina - First Communions of the Isabel la Católica school, at the Finca

Argentina - First Communions of the Isabel la Católica school, at the Finca

Indonesia - Youth Camp

Indonesia - Youth Camp

Argentina - Feast of N.S.

Argentina - Feast of N.S.

Argentina - Popular Mission in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Popular Mission with Bachi students in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Patronal celebration of the San Luis Gonzaga Oratory, in Tomás Young

Argentina - Patronal celebration of the San Luis Gonzaga Oratory, in Tomás Young

Argentina - Solemnity of the Sacred Heart in Alvear

Argentina - Meeting of religious in Añatuya

Argentina - Blessing of the new chapel and convent of the Madre Antula community

Argentina - Blessing of the new chapel and convent of the Madre Antula community

Argentina - Solemnity of the Sacred Heart with young people in Villa Mercedes

Argentina - Solemnity of the Sacred Heart with young people in Villa Mercedes

Argentina - End of the month of the Sacred Heart at the Isabel la Católica school in Villa Mercedes

Egypt - Consecration to the Sacred Heart

Egypt - Consecration to the Sacred Heart

Philippines - Boys Camp

Philippines - Boys Camp

France - Consecration to Mary of 20 people in Saintes

France - Imposition of scapulars in Saintes

France - Officialization of the first Tertiary in Saintes

France - Officialization of the first Tertiary in Saintes

France - Mass of profession of faith

France - Mass of profession of faith

Argentina - Corpus Christi in Jaime Prats

Argentina - Corpus Christi in Jaime Prats

Argentina - 8th anniversary of the foundation of the Bta community.

Argentina - Young volunteers from Buenos Aires in San Rafael

Chile - Good afternoon in the oratory of Jesus the Good Shepherd parish

Chile - Good afternoon in the oratory of Jesus the Good Shepherd parish

Chile - Encounters with Christ of the San Miguel Arcángel school in the Chacahuin retirement home

Chile - Encounters with Christ, from the San Miguel Arcángel school, in the Chacahuin retirement home

Chile - Encounter with Christ with young people

Chile - Mother Teresa of Calcutta dining room in Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish

Chile - Good afternoon in the oratory at the María Peregrina parish in Linares

Chile - The roperito, for people in need, in Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish

Philippines - Mission in the Kalinga Mountains

Philippines - Mission in the Kalinga Mountains

Philippines - High School Retreat at N.S.

Hong Kong - Farewell to the young participants of the World Youth Day in the Cathedral

Hong Kong - Farewell to the young participants of the World Youth Day in the Cathedral

Hong Kong - Farewell to the young participants of the World Youth Day in the Cathedral

Ukraine - Teen Camp

Ukraine - Teen Camp

Italy - Camp with the children of Montalto di Castro in Vitorchiano

Italy - Camp with the children of Montalto di Castro in Vitorchiano

Scotland - Pilgrimage to St. Margaret

Scotland - Pilgrimage to St. Margaret

Peru - Visit to the community of Ccollpaccata

Peru - Visit to the community of Ccollpaccata

Peru - Children's Festive Oratory in the Colca Canyon

Peru - Festive oratory in the Colca canyon

Tanzania - Catechism Camp in Ushetu Parish

Tanzania - Catechism Camp in Ushetu Parish

Tanzania - Catechism Camp in Ushetu Parish

Tanzania - Last day of Catechism camp in Ushetu

Ukraine - Iconography course for children in Odessa

Ukraine - Iconography course for children in Odessa

Ukraine - Summer camp in Velyka Tur'ya

Ukraine - Consecration of the Church "Saints of the Ukrainian People"

Ukraine - Departure to Ust-Chorna

Ukraine - Departure to Ust-Chorna

Iceland - Outing with the children of the Parish

Iceland - Outing with the children of the Parish

Iceland - Outing with the children of the Parish

Taiwan - Wanjin Summer Camp

Taiwan - Wanjin Summer Camp

Gaza - Summer Oratory

Italy - Fiesta Patronal of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati in Turín

Italy - Fiesta Patronal of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati in Turín

Italy - Fiesta Patronal of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati in Turín

Macao - Retreat for the catechists of the Parish N.S.

Macau - Catechism lesson

Islandia - Peregrinos de Poznań, Polonia en Stykkishólmur

Iceland - Rosary and Mass on the First Saturday of July in Stykkishólmur

Jordan - Spiritual Exercises

Jordan - Meeting with scouts in Amman

Jordan - Visit of the Latin Seminary of Jerusalem to the parish in Amman

Russia - Baptism in Samara

Russia - Ulyanovsk Women's Camp

Russia - Children's camp in Kazan

Russia - Children's camp in Kazan

Russia - Children's camp in Kazan

Russia - Summer Oratory in Samara

Taiwan - Lecture by Fr. Pablo Trollano on the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School

Taiwan - Rosary with families

Luxembourg - Volunteers from Barcelona, Spain

Lithuania - Children's Camp

Lithuania - Children's Camp

Lithuania - Children's Camp