Houses of Formation
Greece - Greek Course

Brazil - Studying the Constitutions at the Novitiate

Brazil - Studying the Constitutions at the Novitiate

Brazil - Studying the Constitutions at the Novitiate

Brazil - Studying the Constitutions at the Novitiate

Chile - Novitiate Outing to the Zoo

Brazil - Retreat Day at the Minor Seminary with the parishioners of Our Lady of Bon Voyage

Argentina - Traveling to the Popular Mission in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Traveling to the Popular Mission in Suncho Corral

Italy - Arriving for the Popular Mission in Albania

Argentina - 5 novices from our Youth Hostel

Peru - Feast of Santa Maria Goretti in Arequipa

Italy - Volunteering in Bagnoregio, at the International Juniorate

Ecuador - Argentine celebrations in the Monastery

Argentina - Visit of the Daughters of Luján to the Monastery

Argentina - Visit of the Daughters of Luján to the Monastery

Houses of charity
Holy Land - Activities with the Hogar Niño Dios de Belén during vacations

Holy Land - Activities with the Hogar Niño Dios de Belén during vacations

Holy Land - Activities with the Hogar Niño Dios de Belén during vacations

Jordan - Outing with the residents from the House of Mercy, Mary Mother of Hope

Jordan - Outing with the residents from the House of Mercy, Mary Mother of Hope

Peru - Special outing with the girls from the Cottolengo House of Mercy

Ukraine - Vacations with the House of Mercy

Slovakia - Spiritual Exercises

Slovakia - Spiritual Exercises

Slovakia - Spiritual Exercises

Hong Kong - 70th Anniversary of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Parish

Paraguay - Third Order Meeting

Brazil - Pilgrimage to Paraguay with the Voces Verbi group

Brazil - Pilgrimage to Paraguay with the Voces Verbi group

Brazil - Pilgrimage to Paraguay with the Voces Verbi group

Brazil - Mass and Julina Feast in Piracicaba

Brazil - Consecrations to Mary in Amazonas

Brazil - Consecrations to Mary in Amazonas

Brazil - Floral Games with children in Amazonas

Tanzania - Popular Mission in the village of Namba 1

Tanzania - Popular Mission in the village of Namba 1

Tanzania - Popular Mission in the village of Namba 1

Tanzania - Children's Day at the Popular Mission in Namba 1

Tanzania - Children's Day at the Popular Mission in Namba 1

Tanzania - Children's Day at the Popular Mission in Namba 1

Tanzania - Popular Mission in Namba 1 with children

Holland - Voces Verbi Meeting

Iceland - 30th anniversary of the consecration of the Church of Saint Joseph

France - Photography Apostolate in Saintes

Ukraine - First Communions in Kramatorsk

Ukraine - First Communions in Kramatorsk

Ukraine - First Communions in Kramatorsk

Ukraine - Annual pilgrimage to the Mount of Martyrs

Ukraine - Annual pilgrimage to the Mount of Martyrs

Ukraine - Annual pilgrimage to the Mount of Martyrs

Ukraine - Annual pilgrimage to the Mount of Martyrs

Jordan - Visit of the Bishop of Sardinia in Italy to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Anjara

Peru - Bread for My Brother" Apostolate in Arequipa

Solomon Islands - Activities in the mission

Solomon Islands - Activities in the mission

United States - Marriage in Massachusetts

France - Summer Oratory in Saintes

France - Summer Oratory in Saintes

France - Summer Oratory in Saintes

Spain - Spiritual Exercises in Tenerife

Spain - Patron Feast in Tenerife

Spain - Patron Feast in Tenerife

Spain - Children's Camp in Girona

Spain - Children's Camp in Girona

Ukraine - Youth Camp in Vinnytsia

Ukraine - Youth Camp in Vinnytsia

Ukraine - Youth Camp in Vinnytsia

Ukraine - Youth Camp in Vinnytsia

Argentina - Feast Day of Our Lady of Consolata in Villa Atuel

Argentina - Catechism Children in Los Juríes

Macau - FIBA 3X3 Champions at the St. Joseph School

Chile - Mother Teresa of Calcutta Feeding Program in La Pintana

Chile - Activities in the Day Center with the elderly ladies

Argentina - Meeting of Religious in the Diocese of Añatuya

Taiwan - Online Conference on Life

Visit to the Life Center in New York (USA) of Sr. Fidelis, missionary in Taiwan

Ukraine - Children's Camp in Stryy

Ukraine - Children's Camp in Stryy

Ukraine - Summer Oratory in Dubove

Ukraine - Summer Oratory in Dubove

Ukraine - Summer Oratory in Dubove

Islandia - Swiss visitors in Stykkishólmur

Switzerland - Blessing of Newly Ordained Priest

Switzerland - Marian pilgrimage to France

Italy - Cultural outing to Ostia Antica (SSVM General House in Rome)

Italy - Outing to Lido di Ostia (SSVM General House in Rome)

Italy - Outing to Lido di Ostia (SSVM General House in Rome)

Scotland - Corpus Christi

Scotland - Corpus Christi

Scotland - Corpus Christi

Holland - Corpus Christi

Ecuador - Womens' Rosary in Guayaquil