Procura - 30th anniversary of M. Contemplacion's perpetual vows

Taiwan - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception at Christ the King Church in Dayuan

Greece - Live Nativity Rehearsal

Taiwan - Annual pilgrimage and Marian procession in Wanjin

Taiwan - 30th anniversary of M. Fidelis' perpetual vows and 36th anniversary of Fr. Lucio Flores' priestly ordination

Dominican Republic - 30th Anniversary of M. Gema's perpetual vows

Taiwan - 30th anniversary of M. Victorias' perpetual vows

Paraguay - Visit to an indigenous community and 15 baptisms

Paraguay - Communion for 50 children at the Cristo Rey Parish

Macau - Advent Retreat

Macau - Christmas gifts at school

Italy - 30th anniversary of M. Itati's perpetual vows

Hong Kong - Advent retreat of the English group at the Church of Saints Peter and Saints

Spain - 30th anniversary of SSVM perpetual vows

Chile - Sacred Heart of Jesus residents volunteer at the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Soup Kitchen

Ecuador - Reception of the holy habit for 18 SSVM novices and 8 IVE novices

Chile - Visit of M. Maria del Redentor

Chile - Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Chile - Rosary of the Dawn

Brazil - End of the school year

Chile - Holy Mass of Baptisms and First Communions at Our Lady of the Huerto Parish.

Chile - Dinner with the volunteers of the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Soup Kitchen

Brazil - Novices profess their vow of Marian slavery at the Shrine of Aparecida

Brazil - Early Christmas celebration at the Juniorate

Argentina - Art workshop (preparing the manger) at Divina Providencia House of Mercy

Argentina - 30th anniversary of perpetual vows

Argentina - 30th anniversary of M. Providencia's perpetual vows

Albania - Four children at the House of Mercy make their Consecration to Mary

Switzerland - Christmas Market

Argentina - 30th anniversary of perpetual vows

Ukraine - Decorating the Christmas tree

United States - Our Lady of Guadalupe in Phoenix, Arizona

United States - Feast of the Immaculate Conception

United States - Feast of Saint Nicholas

United States - Reception of habits

United States - Our Lady of Guadalupe

United States - Our Lady of Guadalupe

Ukraine - Elementary students and their families consecrate themselves to Mary

Ukraine - Oratory

Ukraine - Feast of St. Nicholas at All Saints of the Ukrainian People Parish

Ukraine - Handing out Saint Nicholas gifts

Ukraine - Visit of Saint Nicholas

Tanzania - Oratory with the young women

Tanzania - Filming the Dream of Saint Joseph for the Christmas play

Tanzania - 63 children and youth make their First Communion in Ushetu

Lithuania - Blessing of the cross at the site of the future monastery

Macau - Blessing of the Advent wreath at school

Greece - Oratory

Argentina - First Masses for newly ordained priests in Cristo de la Quebrada