Houses of Formation
Argentina - Holy Mass of the Transfiguration at the Seminary in Argentina ("La Finca")

Argentina - Holy Mass of the Transfiguration at the Seminary in Argentina ("La Finca")

Argentina - Holy Mass of the Transfiguration at the Seminary in Argentina ("La Finca")

Argentina - Holy Mass of the Transfiguration at the Seminary in Argentina ("La Finca")

Ecuador - Multilingual Presentations for the Transfiguration of the Lord at the Houses of Formation

Ecuador - Multilingual Presentations for the Transfiguration of the Lord at the Houses of Formation

Philippines - Renewal of Temporary Vows at the Juniorate

Philippines - Universa Philosophia Course at the Major Seminary

Philippines - Universa Philosophia Course at the Major Seminary

Philippines - Beginning of the New School Year at the Major Seminary

Philippines - Lectio Brevis at the Major Seminary

Ecuador - Novitiate Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Ecuador

Ecuador - Novitiate Pilgrimage to Quito

Argentina - Cultural Week at the Santa Catalina Juniorate

Ecuador - Patron Feast of Blessed Honorino de la Dolorosa at the Novitiate

Ecuador - Patron Feast of Blessed Honorino de la Dolorosa at the Novitiate

Ecuador - Patron Feast of Blessed Honorino de la Dolorosa at the Novitiate

Kazakhstan - Novice Maria Abitel Vsievyshnieva Receiving the Habit

Kazakhstan - Novice Maria Abitel Vsievyshnieva Receiving the Habit

Kazakhstan - Novice Maria Abitel Vsievyshnieva Receiving the Habit

Ecuador - Minor Seminary Convivencia

Ecuador - Minor Seminary Convivencia

Philippines - Beginning of Construction at the Novitiate

Philippines - Beginning of Construction at the Novitiate

Argentina - Universa Philosophia Course for Juniorate Sisters

Peru - Enthronement of the Sacred Heart at the Juniorate

Peru - Enthronement of the Sacred Heart at the Juniorate

Peru - Enthronement of the Sacred Heart at the Juniorate

Ukraine - Reception of the Cross of Matara

Ukraine - Reception of the Cross of Matara

Chile - Floral Games at the Novitiate

Ecuador - Sister Virgen de Balbanera's Enters Contemplative Life

Taiwan - Voces Verbi's visit to the Monastery

Taiwan - Voces Verbi's visit to the Monastery

Taiwan - Families visit the Monastery

Houses of charity
Papua - Four Baptisms and 14th anniversary of the Virgen de Luján House of Mercy

Papua - Four Baptisms and 14th anniversary of the Virgen de Luján House of Mercy

Argentina - Dance workshop at the San Martín de Tours House of Mercy

Argentina - School Work at the Divina Providencia House of Mercy

Peru - Arequipa Day at the San José Benito Cottolengo House of Mercy

Peru - Arequipa Day at the San José Benito Cottolengo House of Mercy

Holy Land - Volunteers at the Niño Dios House of Mercy in Bethlehem

Holy Land - Volunteers at the Niño Dios House of Mercy in Bethlehem

Holy Land - Volunteers at the Niño Dios House of Mercy in Bethlehem

Holy Land - Solemnity of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

Portugal - Religious Family Meeting at WYD

Spain - WYD Pilgrimage

Spain - WYD Pilgrimage

Spain - WYD Pilgrimage

Spain - WYD Pilgrimage

Spain - WYD Pilgrimage

United States - WYD Trip from Massachusetts

France - Pilgrimage on the way to WYD

France - Pilgrimage on the way to WYD

France - Participating in WYD

France - Participating in WYD

Netherlands - Participating in WYD

Luxembourg - Trip to WYD in Portugal

Northern Europe - Pilgrimage on the way to WYD

Northern Europe - Pilgrimage on the way to WYD

Switzerland - Pilgrimage on the way to WYD

Italy - Family Vacation in Vitorchiano

Italy - Family Vacation in Vitorchiano

Italy - Family Vacation in Vitorchiano

Italy - Family Vacation in Vitorchiano

Italy - Family Vacation in Vitorchiano

Italy - Family Vacation in Vitorchiano

Italy - Family Vacation in Vitorchiano

Italy - Family Vacation in Vitorchiano

Peru - Spiritual Exercises

Peru - Spiritual Exercises

Peru - Apostolate "A bread for my brother" in Arequipa

Iceland - 25km for Vocations

Iceland - 25km for Vocations

Hong Kong - Spiritual Exercises

Italy - Spiritual Exercises in Viterbo

Guyana - Summer Camps

Guyana - Summer Camps

Guyana - Summer Camps

Holland - Volunteers from Barcelona

Gaza - Altar Boys' Meeting

Gaza - Procession on the Assumption of Mary

Gaza - Procession on the Assumption of Mary

France - Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary Patroness of France and of the Cathedral of Luçon

France - Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary Patroness of France and of the Cathedral of Luçon

United States - New Adoration Chapel in Minnesota

United States - New Adoration Chapel in Minnesota

United States - New Adoration Chapel in Minnesota

United States - New Adoration Chapel in Minnesota

Ecuador - Voces Verbi Formation Day

Ecuador - Voces Verbi Formation Day

Ecuador - Voces Verbi Formation Day

Ecuador - Voces Verbi Formation Day

Ecuador - Novena to Our Lady of Cisne in Guayaquil

Ecuador - Novena to Our Lady of Cisne in Guayaquil

Ecuador - Altar Boys' Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Cisne

Chile - First Altar Boys' Meeting in Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish

Chile - First Altar Boys' Meeting in Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish

Chile - Craft workshop with the Oratory Children

Chile - Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Saint Teresa de Los Andes

Chile - Confirmation Classes in Linares

Chile - Consecrations to Mary

Chile - Consecrations to Mary

Chile - Monthly Formation Meeting

Chile - Visit to the Sacred Heart of Jesus House of Mercy

Brazil - Start of the San Juan Bosco Group at St. John XXIII Parish

Brazil - Bishop Dom Andherson's visit to the Saint John XXIII Parish in Espírito Santo

Argentina - Holy Mass at the "Campo de Mayo" Home for the Elderly

Brazil - Patron Feast of Our Lady of Buen Viaje (Good Journey)

Brazil - Patron Feast of Our Lady of Buen Viaje (Good Journey)

Philippines - Celebrations with the Young Graduates of the Parish

United States - Pro-Life Apostolate in California

Argentina - Voces Verbi Convivencia in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Voces Verbi Convivencia in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Voces Verbi Convivencia in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Catechesis at the Provincial Geriatric Hospital of Rosario

Argentina - Restarting the Children's Oratory in La Plata

Argentina - Patron Festival of Our Lady of the Assumption in Los Juríes

Argentina - Month of Santa Rosa de Lima in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Month of Santa Rosa de Lima in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Month of Santa Rosa de Lima in Suncho Corral

Argentina - Popular Mission in Los Juríes with the girls of the Isabel la Católica School

Argentina - Popular Mission in Los Juríes with the girls of the Isabel la Católica School

Argentina - Popular Mission in Los Juríes with the girls of the Isabel la Católica School

Argentina - Popular Mission in Los Juríes with the girls of the Isabel la Católica School

Argentina - Pizzas with the Youth of Villa Mercedes, San Luis

Brazil - Conference on the Importance of Sacred Music in Belem do Pará

Argentina - Trip to Buenos Aires with the Boys from Alfredo Bufano School

Brazil - Adoration for Family Week in Immaculate Conception Parish

Argentina - Holy Mass at the "Campo de Mayo" Home for the Elderly

Spain - Pilgrimage to Poland

Spain - Pilgrimage to Poland

Spain - Pilgrimage to Poland

Spain - Pilgrimage to Poland

Spain - Pilgrimage to Poland

Spain - Missionaries' Visit to the Cemetery of the Martyrs of Paracuellos

United States - Summer Camp in New Jersey

United States - Summer Camp in New Jersey

Spain - Visiting the Castle of San Francicsco Xavier

Spain - Visiting the Castle of San Francicsco Xavier

Iraq - Memorial of Saint Benedicta of the Cross in the Cathedral

Iraq - Solemnity of the Transfiguration in Baghdad

Russia - Transfiguration of the Lord in Ulyanovsk

Russia - Blessing of a new icon of Our Lady of Kazan in Kazan

Russia - Altar Boys' Meeting in Ulyanovsk

Russia - Altar Boys' Meeting in Ulyanovsk

Russia - Altar Boys' Meeting in Ulyanovsk

Russia - Mothers' Meeting at the Convent

Russia - Mothers' Meeting at the Convent

Italy - Summer Oratory in Prato

Italy - Summer Oratory in Prato

Italy - Summer Oratory in Prato

Italy - Summer Oratory in Prato

Jordan - Renewal of Baptismal Promises in the Jordan

Jordan - Renewal of Baptismal Promises in the Jordan

Jordan - Elijah's Hill

Jordan - Visit to the Church of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist in Madaba

Lithuania - Children and Youth camp

Lithuania - Children and Youth camp

Lithuania - Children and Youth camp

Italy - General House Pilgrimage to Saint John Vianney in Ars

Iceland - Visit to the Nursing Home with the Oratory Children

Italy - Spiritual Exercises in Montefiascone

Peru - Youth Group in Limatambo

Peru - Floral Games at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish

Peru - Floral Games at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish

Peru - Floral Games at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish

Peru - Voces Verbi Meeting

Peru - Voces Verbi Meeting

Peru - Voces Verbi Meeting

Peru - New Confessional in Limatambo

Peru - Climbing Mount Huilcaray with the Youth

Peru - "Rosary at Dawn" in Limatambo

Syria - Summer Workshops Presentation

Syria - Summer Workshops Presentation

Syria - Summer Workshops Presentation

Syria - Summer Workshops Presentation

Syria - Summer Workshops Presentation

Taiwan - Youth Day

Taiwan - Youth Day

Taiwan - Youth Day

Taiwan - Enthronement of the Sacred and Immaculat Heart in Homes

Tanzania - Convivencia at Lake Victoria

Tanzania - Convivencia at Lake Victoria

Tanzania - Play about Our Lady of Luján

Tunisia - New Altar Boy in the Cathedral

Tunisia - New Altar Boy in the Cathedral

Ukraine - Altar Boys Camp

Ukraine - Altar Boys Camp

Ukraine - Summer Camp

Ukraine - Spiritual Exercises

Ukraine - Spiritual Exercises

Ukraine - Baptism in Ivano-Frankivsk

Ukraine - First book of the VIRTUS Collection published in Ukrainian

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Dubove

Ukraine - Pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Dubove

Ukraine - Feast of Saint Volodymyr

Ukraine - Games after Sunday Mass in Ivano-Frankivsk

Ukraine - Visit to Children's Hospital

Ukraine - Visit to Children's Hospital

Ukraine - Renovations at the Parish in Ivano-Frankivsk

Italy - Solemnity of the Assumption and the Virgen dello Speronelo in Montalto di Castro

Italy - Solemnity of the Assumption and the Virgen dello Speronelo in Montalto di Castro

Italy - Solemnity of the Assumption and the Virgen dello Speronelo in Montalto di Castro

Italy - Solemnity of the Assumption and the Virgen dello Speronelo in Montalto di Castro

Italy - Solemnity of the Assumption and the Virgen dello Speronelo in Montalto di Castro