Opening of Oratory in New Hampshire
October 2023 – January 2024
This October, our community, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in New Hampshire, began a new apostolate. We have opened the doors of our convent to mothers and children from the parish and school to come Saturday mornings once a month for Oratory and Mom’s Group. Since we first arrived in this mission, we have desired to begin an oratory. It was with great longing that we waited these months for the right moment so that we could welcome these families and begin forming them more directly.
Our primary apostolate here in New Hampshire is at the parochial school, Salve Regina Academy. The first year was marked by the adventure of entering this new apostolate. Now, that we have come to know the people we have a better idea of how we can work to bring Christ to this place; as in all places, it begins in the family.
The town where we live, Berlin, and the neighboring town, Gorham, are both relatively small, (approximately 8,000 people each). However, there are many families, with many children! The first week, we had over 20 children ranging from toddlers to teens, and six moms.
Since we are located in the mountains, a good portion of the year has snow. Of course, we try to use this to our advantage. Sometimes we play organized games with the children, and sometimes we simply build snow forts and snowmen. Our convent is attached to an old church building, St. Joseph. We are able to use this space to give talks to the children, and since it was once an active parish church, it still has all the furnishings. It is a wonderful tool for teaching the children about the Mass!
All the while, the moms meet inside the convent with Mother Apostle of Joy. She leads them in reading and discussing the text of St. John Paul II’s, “Letter to Women.” All of the moms are open and eager to learn. They are especially grateful for the time in the chapel at the end. Afterwards, all of them commented on how the morning had filled them spiritually and given them new strength to embrace their vocation and to live each moment as an opportunity to pursue holiness. Also, they were excited at this opportunity which provides for them a real faith-focused community and support system. It is not easy being a mom!
So we give thanks to God, for the grace to have begun this new adventure in the “North Country” of the United States.
¡Viva la Virgen, and Viva la Misión!
Sr. Mary of Jesus, SSVM