Dear All in Christ,
We desire to inform you that Father Mario Da Silva, IVE, with the youth of the parish in Gaza are recording the texts of the Sunday Masses in Arabic –prayers and readings- in order to help, specially, the missionaries and lay to celebrate and participate better in the Holy Mass.
In the main menu (beside to HOME) you can find the recordings prayers in Arabic. At the moment we have published the 5th and 6th Sunday of the Ordinary Time. Every week we will update the Masses that come. The liturgical texts correspond to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
Please, if you can, give to know the new site
If you have any suggestions about the site, please, contact Father Mario da Silva, IVE ( ). He is the superior of our community in the Gaza Strip and the responsable of this Site. Congratulations and Thanks to Father Mario da Silva and all the youth of the Catholic parish in Gaza!!
In Domino.
Gabriel P. Romanelli, IVE