1- SSVM colegio Agustina Geyer

A Life Fully Lived to the End


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On a beautiful and melancholic autumn in San Rafael, Friday, April 15th, 2016 at 6:45 am Maria Agustina Geyer Garro passed away at 20 years of age, former student of our high school.

7 - SSVM colegio Foto Agustina GeyerShe was an extraordinary young person. She passed through our halls for a duration of only five years, but she saw to it that she would fill our hearts and our lives, in ways more than we could have ever imagined.  She suffered from cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, a congenital disease.  It was first discovered when she was nearly five years of age and from that point on, she began to be increasingly more aware of her Calvary.  She never used her illness as an excuse or justification (which would have been legitimate), to not participate in exams, or physical education, or activities, etc.  On the contrary, she was always among those who advanced the most, as far as her strength would permit her.

Her virtues were universal, extending to each and everyone, never having a preference for anything, or for anyone.   Her joy was incredible like a bell that resounded at every recess.  These virtues, of fortitude and joy, were ingrained in her to such an extent that if anyone were to discover that she was ill, they would be unable to associate this idea with her image.

Her commitment to the faith was admirable.  Despite the lack of physical strength during her final two years of life, she continued to lead a youth group (called Cruzados de Jesús) in the St. Maximilian María Kölbe Parish, teach catechism, and sold pro-life magazines after each Mass up until her final days of life.  She did all this together while continuing to work on her degree in Business Administration.

Another characteristic which rendered her even more beautiful was the fact that she never made anyone feel bad.  She always considered each person as a loved one, and if sometimes, someone had to say “no” to her or to correct her or if someone were to offend her, she always let it pass, understanding the “no”, accepting the correction, or pardoning the offense.

8 - SSVM colegio Foto Agustina Geyer

As you can see, she leaves great examples to imitate; but above all she has given us a great gift.  In addition to her example and her affection, she has given the sisters of our high school the opportunity to see one more daughter already born in Heaven.

All this is understood even more deeply after reading her thanksgiving speech at the end of the Academic year ceremony prior to her graduation.

Thank you so much Agustina!

Sister  Hna. María de los Jóvenes.
High School Principle

Agustina’s Thanksgiving Speech at the end of the Academic year Ceremony:

6 - SSVM colegio Foto Agustina Geyer

We have so much to be thankful for!

In the first place, we have to thank God, Our Lord who inspired Father Buela to found the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará and impelled him to create this High School: Isabel La Católica, which I love some much.

I thank God for the immense grace of being a part of the alumni of this high school which has formed me as a person, filling my intelligence with truth, and my weak will with strength.

Between these walls, we learned the Value of the human person, history as it really happened, philosophy which prepared us to enter into theology…We learned to love our country, to respect our roots, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves for love of God.

We took beautiful tours through thinkers, writers, and poets; we glimpsed, in the beauty of art, the faith that has been handed down to us.

This high school, which has given us the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist every single day, and given us the grace to have the Holy Mass weekly, that has provided us with priests to hear our confessions, and offered us retreats to help us delve into the Divine mysteries.  It has given many of my fellow students the immense grace of going on pilgrimage to Europe, of participating in World Youth Day, of visiting the great sanctuaries of Christianity.  I noticed how their fervor, their enthusiasm, and above all their love for the Holy Church grew, and I also noticed that they knew how to communicate this fervor, enthusiasm, and love for the Church even to all of us who were not able to go.

This school has also given us the Floral Games, these healthy competitions that we have enjoyed so much. These games have taught us that what is important is not so much the talent that one has, so much as the attitude one has, recognizing that it is an “honor” to compete.  It has given us the unforgettable camps and trips where we had to put into practice many virtues, such as self denial, humility, obedience, where one learns how to be lord of one’s possessions rather than the slave of their possessions.

I cannot fail to mention our graduation trip, which began with nothing less than the beatification of our Cura Brochero.  It culminated with the great mission in Santiago del Estero, and was crowned by our consecration to the most Holy Virgin in Salta, “the unmerited grace to be at the feet of the Mother of God in order to say that we are no longer our own, but belong to Her”.

I would like to thank the sisters, ALL the sisters, because they have left an indelible mark on our souls. We thank them for their tireless struggle to mold our souls.  They are a true example of total abandonment and love for the Lord.

To the professors, who were always available to help us, to counsel us, to dispel any doubts…concerns. Thank you for being so well formed and for giving us the truth!

Thank you to the secretaries, tutors, and janitors, in you we have found prompt responses to our every need, thank you so much for your patience and care.

In addition, to my fellow students.  What can I say to my fifth love? THANK YOU, a thousand times thank you, and thanks be to God because friendship is a gift from Him and you are a true treasure to me… in you I found the help to carry the cross every single day, you knew how to make me laugh when I was sad, how to give me a word of encouragement when I was discouraged…You were always present above all in the prayer that sustained me in every moment.  How many conversations, how many hours we have shared, how many joys, anger, celebrations, stuks!  My friends, may we always carry in our hearts this friendship that is founded on Christ who is eternal, and which will continue in Heaven, where Verito Gargiulo is already waiting for us.

The time has come to say goodbye; I go forward carrying with me a backpack full of all these beautiful things that I have lived.

I also would like to thank all the families for their unconditional support, for their constant attention to all of our needs.

I ask Our Lady for the grace that we may all be able to live out St. Louis de Montfort’s description of the true disciples of Jesus Christ, who “shall have in their mouths the two-edged sword of the Word of God. They shall carry on their shoulders the bloody standard of the Cross, the Crucifix in their right hand and the Rosary in their left, the sacred Names of Jesus and Mary in their hearts, and the modesty and mortification of Jesus Christ in their own behavior.”

May our patroness, the Queen Isabel of Spain, bless us from heaven and guide us that we may always be the women God wants and that the homeland needs.

Thank you very much.

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