For the second time here in Harlem, New York, a group of young people, after having prepared all summer, made their consecration to Mary, our Mother. On September 8th, 2024, 17 children and youth consecrated themselves to Our Lady. The idea sprung from a group who had just received the Sacrament of Confirmation. We wanted to give them something more to commit to, to give them the great help of Mary, so they would be able to stary strong after their Confirmation. We invited them to make their consecration to Mary and to prepare for this great event by coming once a week for the whole summer.
The first time, it seemed impossible that they would persevere, since they had no obligation to come and there were no rewards for it. However, amazingly, 11 of them persevered and ended up consecrating themselves to Our Lady on September 8th, 2023. This year, another group began their preparation, and this time some children wanted to join as well. So, we divided the group by ages and we put as a first condition that this consecration must be made out of total freedom without any pressure other than wanting to give something extra to Our Lady.
When doing the interviews with them, I remember this little girl, the youngest one, when I asked her, “Do you understand what it means that you will be all Mary’s?” She replied, “Yes, it means that I will belong totally to her”. Then, staring at me she immediately confessed, “I yelled at my grandma today!” And she was about to keep telling me other mistakes she had done until I interrupted her and told her that from now on, she should be a good daughter of Mary. This conversation with this little girl led me to reflect on how the sense of belonging to Our Lady helps form our consciences to know how pure and innocent we are called to be, because of Her purity and innocence of life. This also reminded me of one of the effects of the consecration according to St. Louis de Monfort, in that it leads us to a greater self-knowledge.

We met every Saturday at 4pm, starting with the Holy Rosary and followed by a talk about the consecration using the children’s consecration book made by Fr. Bernardo Ibarra, IVE. In spite of many sacrifices, these young people dared to take this step. During the course of the summer, sometimes I could see in their faces that it was becoming burdensome to continue their commitment. It took patience and much prayer…but in the end, they all persevered.
During the Mass, they received the miraculous medal as sign of their consecration, and after communion, each one of them offered a rose to Our Lady. Once the Mass ended, we went down to the hall to share a meal with the families. They were each given a certificate of their consecration, so that they will always remember the day they became slaves of Mary. They also made a commitment that from now on they would come a half an hour before the vigil Mass every Saturday to lead the Holy Rosary for the parish and to pray it together as a group. All of them were very happy and grateful for their consecration. Some parents mentioned that they would like to consecrate themselves as well. It has been such as honor to accompany these young people in this time of preparation. The desire they had of learning more about Our Lady has been a great example for the rest of the Parish.
It seems ironic that out of so many young people in New York who are lost, drowning in the world, often in vices and on the verge of despair, this small spark of hope has sprouted. Among so many, these instead decided to become slaves of Mary, offering her their summer, their prayers, and themselves.
Among so many, these 17 are yours, Mary!
May they be the first fruits of many blessings for this neighborhood, for this city, and may many more young people be inflamed with this love for the Virgin. We pray for the fruits.
Long live Christ the King!
Long live the Virgin!
In the Immaculate Heart, Maria Mujer Revestida de Sol