Chronicles IVE

Our First Mission Opens in Mexico: a Home for Elderly Priests

The IVE mission of the Servants of the Lord in Mexico! On Sunday September 21, of 2014, M. Mater Mundi Quizhpe Cuenca, SSVM and Sr. Maria Virgen de Anáhuac Parra Fierro, SSVM accompanied by Sr. Maria del Tránsito de la Virgen Avellaneda-Cabanillas, SSVM and Mother Maria de la Revelación Castañeda, SSVM arrived in the very colonial […]

Our First Mission Opens in Mexico: a Home for Elderly Priests Read More »

The Argentinean priests who are holding on with the Christians in Iraq

Exclusive interview by María Laura Avignolo   In Iraq, at least 250,000 Christians and Yazidis, one of the oldest sects in the world, are running away by thousands from the beheadings, crucifixions and executions by ISIS, the Islamic Sunni fundamentalists, Army of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Terror was planted with obvious brutality.

The Argentinean priests who are holding on with the Christians in Iraq Read More »

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