Chronicles IVE

Roman Pontifical Universities

For a few years now, we have been collaborating with the intellectual and educational apostolate in some Roman Pontifical Universities. Fr. Marcelo Lattanzio taught a course in Philosophy of Religion at the St. Thomas Pontifical University (Angelicum). Fr. Christian Ferraro has taught Theodicy and is now teaching Metaphysics at the Lateran University. Frs. Arturo Ruiz

Roman Pontifical Universities Read More »

Saint Willibrord and the New Evangelization in Luxembourg: Youth build a Church in Thailand and a Monastery Finds Renewal

Through their powerful intercession and enduring example of holiness, the saints in Heaven fulfill posthumous missions here on earth, even many years after the end of their earthly lives.  Recently, St. Willibrord (658 – 739), Anglo-Saxon missionary, monk and bishop to Frisia (modern-day  Luxembourg), has shown us once again the force of this ecclesial reality

Saint Willibrord and the New Evangelization in Luxembourg: Youth build a Church in Thailand and a Monastery Finds Renewal Read More »

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