Apostolate in the Russian Far East


Table of Contents

Dear Family, with this chronicle I would like to allow you to participate in the recent events of our Mission in the Russian Far East.

1. Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

The first of these events was the patronal feast of our parish which is consecrated to the Immaculate Conception. We not only accompanied the whole Church who joyfully exalts Mary as the Mother of God, the Immaculate Mother, but we also honor her as the Protectress, the Model and Aim of our mission- to bring all persons to Christ, following the charism given by our founder.
Fr. Hernan Rivarola preached a novena and for the Solemnity, following a commentary of the Great St. Bernard on the Hail Mary. The day of the solemnity of the Virgin, Fr. Jose Lopez preached a retreat and afterwards we had an exquisite lunch prepared by the Servants. Hymns, both in-tune or not, were sung from countries around the world as a way of taking joy in the marvelous gift that it is to have Mary Immaculate as Mother.

2. Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord

This year, during the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, we had a concert of Ukrainian music, a special form of carols, where the Slavic-Ukrainian brothers had the kindness of celebrating and sharing with us their beautiful Christmas songs.
On the Solemnity of the Epiphany and likewise on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, as normally occurs, many participated in these feasts who rarely attend the Holy Sacrifice.
During Christmas, we also celebrated the patronal feast in Konsomolsck. Our small parish there is consecrated to the Holy Family. This time Fr. Jose went and 13 faithful atended the Mass.


3. Vacations with God

Another event was the traditional Winter Vacations [1] “Vacations with God” “Каникулы с Богом”[2], which at the start of the new year we organized with the children, with different recreational activities, both cultural and religious. We also had the traditional theatrical play, wherein every year we represent the nativity of the Lord, and the Servants of the Lord make a great effort so that everything is done in the best way possible, from the narrator to the costumes and scenery, etc.


4. Spiritual Retreat for Adolescents

At this time, the adolescents also had the grace of participating in a spiritual retreat preached by Fr. Hernan Rivarola.


5. Trip to Konsomolsck with the adolescentes

The adolescents were also the protagonists of our trip to the city of Konsomolsck[3]. For some it was their first trip to this city. In this trip we had the chance to pray, play, and do apostolate, visiting and blessing the homes of our Catholic brothers and sisters. The adolescents were very excited to visit one of the main centers for skiing that there is in the Far East.


6. New webpage

Lastly, during this time our parish webpage http://catholickhabarovsk.ru/ was completely revised in its content and is already made public. With this tool we offer parish information and material for formation to the Russian speakers.


We ask your prayers for the fruits of our apostolic work.
In Christ and Mary,
IVE Fathers in Khabarovsk-Russia

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