Photos and videos of the week: October 2, 2020


Table of Contents

Feast of St. Michael Archangel, Patron Saint of the Monastery in Brazil

25th Anniversary of the Servants in the Holy Land

Large Virtual Student Camp

See more activities in the YouTube channel, IVEArgentina:

Father Pio’s celebration, Patron Saint of the Seminary Chapel in Brazil

In the city of Charity in Egypt

In Ulyanovsk, Russia

Thirteen anniversary of the mission in France and tenth anniversary of the Marcel Callo School

Tenth anniversary in the mission in Granada, Spain

Thomistic week in the House of Formation in Ecuador

Investiture of Habit in Hong Kong

Daily occurrences in Tanzania

Mariam’s Profession of Perpetual Vow of Chastity, consecrated lay woman in Egypt

Gaza’s situation today

Pilgrimage to Fatima

Marian Consecration in Egypt

Celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Patron Saint in Ulyanovsk, Russia

Feast of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary  in Ukraine and blessing and imposition of the Scapular on the vespers.

The missionary Virgin visits families in Gaza

New consecrated people to Our Blessed Virgin Mary in Ukraine

Feast of St Vincent De Paul, patron of the Cathedral of Tunisia

Video: Perpetual vows in Luxembourg

Baptisms, First Communions and Confirmations in Le Luc and Le Cannet in France


Conference on the Patroness of the Monastic Formation House in Genoa, Italy, and the admission of two sisters

New members and Third Order Meeting in the Philippines

Group 40 hours in Iceland and Paraguay

Activities at the mission in TaiwanCourse on the Spiritual Exercises in Brazil

Open House in the Monastic House of Formation in Italy and a play on the life of St Catherine

Visit of Our Lady of Grace, blessing of school supplies and first activities at the School in France

Enthronement of The Sacred Heart of Jesus in Family house in Paraguay

“Addiction Prevention Campaign” at St Michael Archangel High School in Santiago del Estero, Argentina

Outing to the mountains with volunteers in Harlem NY

Student’s day celebration at the House of Marcy in Peru

Second anniversary of the Mission in Turin

Blessing and beginning of  Scouting activity in Ukraine

Open House in the Contemplative community in Ukraine

Volunteering in Guyana

Preparing the feast of “Guardian Angels” Patrons of the School and House of Mercy in Bethlehem

News at Magthas Publishing House


The essential points of IVE – The Non negotiable (Portuguese)

Foundation in Torrelaguna – Alcala de Henares, Spain

Missionary Adventure

Am I pride?

Stand firm in the faith (I cor 16:13) – Spanish

The Angel at your home: “The big brother” – Spanish

Daily Homilies – Spanish

The Abbey of Fossanova, Italy

COVID – 19 (English)

The importance of the Incarnation – Spanish


Directory for following celebrations online

IVE Communication Team

Institute of the Incarnate Word

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