Lectio Brevis


Table of Contents

Lectio Brevis- Verbo EncarnadoThe end of the vacation time, a new academic year begins. As the tradition of our Institute, we started our new year with the Lectio Brevis (Brief Lesson)

All the members of our religious family gathered together to have the talk which preached on title: Written law and Natural law. Therein, in it was mentioned the relation between natural law and the law of the communism. And for the teachers, they have the oath of anti-modernism as St. Pius X did to oppose the modernism that is affecting our Philosophy and Theology as well. It is our obligation to protect the genuine thoughts in every aspect.

IMG_8295  After the talk and the oath of Anti-Modernism, we finished our Brief Lesson and started our new academic year with the Eucharistic celebration.

In the Homily of the Mass, our Rector mentioned that the importance of the Magisterium of St. Thomas Aquinas both in learning and referencing on Philosophy and Theology aspect. And he also quoted the words of different Popes: St. Pius X and specially St. John Paul II said “Therefore the Pope Pius XI, of blessed memory, to publish the Encyclical “Ducem Studiorum“,  to mark the sixth centenary of the canonization of St. Thomas, did not hesitate to say: In the honoring St. Thomas, which Thomas with his glories, that is the teaching authority of the Church.”

From: http://philippines.verboencarnado.net/2014/07/04/lectio-brevis/

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