Celebrating Faith: 200 Youth for the 2nd IVE Youth Day


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DSCN6345More than 200 young people set out and came together at Canossa Academy, Lipa City for the Second IVE Youth Day held last February 9, 2014. The young people, coming from different parts of Manila and Batangas, with some travelling from far-off Malaysia, spent the whole day in prayer and various activities with their distinguishing youthful energies.

During the morning activities, Mr. Andrew Khoo of the diocese of Penang, Malaysia gave a talk about Faith and Forgiveness, stressing the importance of the Sacrament of Confession for the restoration of the loss of grace one has incurred because of sin. Meanwhile, he encouraged the young people to take their faith to the fullest, taking advantage of living in the Philippines, where eighty percent of the population is Catholic. Mr. Khoo then related his experience of how Catholics live in a country where the faith is a minority. His talk was followed by a conference on Vocation and Religious Life given by one of the priests of the Institute of the Incarnate Word. Many raised their hands to ask questions on vocation, especially on how one must respond to it.

At noon, lunch was served for the entire participants, after which some members of the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word and of the youth went on stage for some musical performances. These concluded with the traditional comedy sketch prepared by our theater group.

DSCN6494The afternoon was spent with sports and games. At 5:30PM, the young people manifested their faith in Christ and their consecration to the Blessed Mother with a Marian procession held at school’s quadrangle. While the participants were praying the rosary, our priests were ready to hear confessions. And the whole day was concluded with a moment of adoration where the Eucharistic Dialogue was recited and the Holy Mass was celebrated.

We thank God for granting us the opportunity to serve the young people, giving them the opportunity to encounter Christ through His Church, receiving Him in the Sacraments. We pray that they may go forth bearing the joy of their faith, giving witness to the world of what it is to mean a disciple of Christ.

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